We generally recommend setting the size to 1920 wide and 1080 tall (more height is recommended if using messages), however, depending on your stream adjust the size here may work better for you. Once you’ve added this into your streaming software test the alerts to make sure they’re working properly. Paste this URL as a “Browser Source” in your streaming software.Navigate to “Alert Box” and copy your unique URL.Select “Use” for the profile you want to import into.If you want to save your old alerts, it’s highly recommended to do this in a new profile. This means you can combine these alerts with any other scene collection/widgets you’ve made in Streamlabs. The import link will only override your alert package.
If you’d like, choose “Create Widget Theme” and name it something appropriate such as package name.Click the Alerts Quick Setup link to begin installing these alerts.In your downloaded files, open up the standard alert folder.